Koha ILS

Perceptions 2009: ILS Survey

Marshall Breeding has published his annual library automation survey, Perceptions 2009: An International Survey of Library Automation.

The open source ILS options came out very nicely in the results.

Two open source products OPALS supported by Media Flex and Koha when implemented Indepentently also fell within this tier of excellent perceptions in all categories.

Evergreen, primarily supported by Equinox Software fell into the middle tier of satisfaction ratings.

This is pretty awesome to see. There is a lot more data to sift through in this report and I recommend that you all go check it out – and keep an eye out for the call to answer questions next year. One thing that disappointed me was the lack of responses from Koha libraries outside of the US – and I want to see that change next year.

Read more by Nicole C.
