Koha ILS

KohaCon10: Koha & Kete Integration

Walter McGinnis gave us a talk based on a paper that he wrote with Joann Ransom on integrating Kete with Koha. I have to admit, I talk a lot about Koha here, but I am a huge fan of Kete as well – and now the two tools can be integrated into each other!!

Walter started by giving us a background of who he is. He does not have a computer sciences degree, instead he’s coming at this from the arts world. Next, what is Kete? It is at its most basic level, “an ongoing communal brain dump.” At its core, Kete has the philosophy that putting something online is only the beginning of it’s lifecycle.

So how does Koha integrate with Kete? There are three ways this can happen.

Basically what you’re seeing are search results you’d find in Koha but integrated into your related Kete pages. For the other way around (Kete into Koha) you can see the Kete results on your Koha search results page.

This feature will make it into Koha 3.4, but if you want it now you can backport it into Koha 3.2 by grabbing the code from the Catalyst public git repository.


Read more by Nicole C.
