
Getting to Know Larry - Moving

I love working from home. Working from home has some great benefits and I highly recommend it for anyone who can get away with it. Besides the perk of being able to come to work in whatever state of dress (or undress) you like, one of the best things about it is you can pick up and move to a different place without having to give up your job. That’s why when my wife took a position in Seattle, WA, moving there from Indianapolis, IN, was no problem for me. (Well, at least not as far as work was concerned. Moving 2500 miles across country, with multiple cats, is NO picnic, let me tell you.)

One of the most interesting consequences of moving however is how it has affected my work schedule. I moved from Eastern Time to Pacific Time, and that has had a big impact on when I do things. I’m still working basically the same schedule, but now it’s shifted three hours later in reference to where all our partners are located. That means some things I used to be able to do in the morning, such as a server maintenance for Westcoasters, I now need to do in the late evening. And things I used to have to do in the late evening for Eastcoasters, I can now do after dinner (8 pm for me is now 11 pm for our ET partners). So I guess that means I’m doing more in the evenings. Oh well, there’s a downside to everything.

So, if you’ve noticed that I’m sending out emails and responding to tickets later in the day than I used to, now you know why. Timezone issues aside, I truly love living in Seattle. The food here is awesome, and the scenery . . . well, it’s awesome too. I still haven’t gotten used to driving along, going over a hill, and boom, there’s a mountain in the distance. It’s quite a change from Indiana.

I’ll leave you with a couple of pictures of the view from my new “office” window. Enjoy.

The view from Larry's "office" window
The view from Larry’s “office” window
The view from Larry's "office" window
The view from Larry’s “office” window

Read more by Larry Baerveldt
