Koha How-To

Monday Minutes: How to Find Education Material

Finding Education Material

ByWater YouTube Channel

ByWater has a YouTube channel!

In addition to searching this channel for specific videos, you can find helpful playlists organized by modules in Koha.

ByWater Website

All ByWater staff create blog posts and helpful information for our partners and the users of Koha on our ByWater website. Searching within the Education page by keyword or by category will provide your library with both blog posts and links to tutorial videos.

Let us know!

On our ByWater website at the top right-hand side of the page, there is a Contact button which allows you to directly send us a message. If you have a great idea for a blog post or tutorial video- hit contact us!

We would love to hear from you with your questions and ideas!

Read more by Kelly McElligott

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