Koha Tutorial Videos
Monday Minutes: Batch Item Modifications
In this week's Monday Minutes, Kelly and Jessie walk through the Batch Item Modification process.
Batch Item Modification Process
From the Cataloging Module, choose Batch Item Modification. In the tutorial video, Kelly showed how to use the Item Search in Koha to collect barcodes of the items we were going to modify. Also, through the batch item tool, barcodes can be scanned in, or a user could start in reports and gather what items will be modified.
Once the barcodes have been added regardless of the method, the user will be brought to a screen that will display information about the items found.
The option to display specific columns or hide them will be helpful for users who only want to see specific values and have them fit on the screen. All items that were included in the tool will be automatically checked, as to say, these items will be modified. If a specific item shouldn't be modified, the user can uncheck that item/s.
Below the items, the user will see the Batch Item Tool- which displays all the fields that can be modified. From here, the user can make the appropriate modifications, such as changing the Shelving Location or Updating a specific status.
Reporting Option
When creating reports within the Koha report library, the option of taking the results and sending them right over to the batch item tools, such as Batch Item Deletion, Batch Item Modification, can be used when the report includes the item number.
The report that Kelly used in the video was looking for all items within the system without a Collection Code
SELECT title, items.ccode, items.location, items.itemnumber,biblio.title,items.barcode, items.dateaccessioned
FROM items
LEFT JOIN biblioitems on (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
WHERE items.ccode is NULL OR (items.ccode = '') AND itemtype = <<Item Type|itemtypes>>
Note: If the report uses SELECT biblionumber, then the option to 'batch record modify', and 'add to a list' will appear.
Additional Resources
We discussed the Item Search (our favorite), here are some more tutorial videos on this feature
Monday Minutes: Custom Searches in the Item Search
Monday Minutes: Exporting Items in Item Search
Jessie and Kelly did a tutorial video on the Regex option with the Batch Item Modification Tool:
Monday Minutes: Using Regex in Batch Item Modification
Read more by Kelly McElligott