Koha How-To

Monday Minutes: the Leader in Marc Records

Changing the Leader in a Marc Record

A common question we hear from our partners is how to change the Material Type icon in Koha records. The material type icon is driven by the leader (000), change the leader and the material type icon can change. The available icons and exact leader numbers in Koha for identifying the value of the leader can be found in the manual here.

Jessie and Kelly show the way to edit the record in the Basic Editor. Once in the basic editor, you will want to use the "index card" icon on the far right of the 000 marc field:

To change a book to a sound recording, the leader position 6 - "Type of record", needs to be a c, d, i or j. Don't forget to hit "Save" once you have edited the record.

System Preferences

If these icons are not wanted in your Staff Client or OPAC, you can easily hide them with these two system preferences:

DisplayOPACiconsXSLT : On pages displayed with XSLT stylesheets on the OPAC, ___ icons for itemtype and authorized values. The values are Allow or Don't Allow.

DisplayIconsXSLT : Asks: ___ the format, audience, and material type icons in XSLT MARC21 results and detail pages in the staff client. The values are Allow or Don't Allow.